간호대학생의 그릿(Grit), 메타인지, 정보활용능력이 자기주도적 학습능력에 미치는 영향 The Effect of Grit, Metacognition, and Information Literacy on Self-directed Learning Ability of Nursing Students |
첨부파일 | 2-2-60-정윤경-최종.pdf | 저자 | 임승혁, 이승애, 이성배, 주다솔, 권장정, 박선경, 강나윤, 김민아, 홍찬미, 서예은, 정윤경 |
국문키워드 | 그릿, 메타인지, 정보활용능력, 자기주도적 학습능력, 간호대학생 | 영문 키워드 | Grit; Metacognition; Information literacy; Self-directed learning ability; Nursing student |
출판정보 | 2권2호 pp.60-68 | 발행년월 | 2023년 05월 |
Purpose: This study is a descriptive study to investigate the effect of grit, metacognition, and information literacy on self-directed learning ability of nursing students. Methods: Data were collected from 158 nursing students in daegu and north gyeongsang province. The data were analyzed to examine the relationship between grit, metacognition, information literacy and self-directed learning ability using technical statistics, t-test, centralized variance analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficients and phased multiple regression analysis. Results: The results showed that self-directed learning ability is related to grit, metacognition, and information literacy. Self-directed learning ability showed correlation between grit, metacognition, and information literacy and quantity. Factors influencing the self-directed learning ability of nursing college students related to ability to information literacy (β=.50, p=.001), grit (β=.24 p=.001), and metacognition (β=.16, p=.024). The explanatory power of these results was 44%. Conclusion: The results show that it is necessary to develop educational programs that can improve grit, meta-recognition, and information utilization skills for each nursing student. In addition, research is needed to improve self-directed learning skills.
이전글 | 간호대학생의 임상실습 중 언어폭력 경험과 간호전문직관이 진로정체감에 미치는 영향 |
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